3 Tips For Protecting Your Aging Skin

As you age, and even when you’re in the younger years of your life, it’s important that you know what you can do to protect your skin. If you do this adequately over the years of your life, when you’re old enough to be in an assisted living facility, you may find that you have the best skin of all the residents where you now live.
To help develop your own skincare routine that will help you in caring for your skin, here are three tips for protecting your aging skin.
Stay Out Of The Sun
One of the best things you can do for your skin at any age is to limit your exposure to the sun. With too much sun exposure, your skin can age prematurely, develop more sun spots and wrinkles, and make you more susceptible to skin cancer. Knowing all of this, you’ll want to stay out of the sun as much as possible.
To help you in staying out of the sun, try not to be out in the sun during the afternoon hours of the day, which is when the sun is the strongest. Even when it’s cloudy out, you can still get too much sun exposure. And when you are going to be outside, try to keep your skin covered as much as possible. Additionally, you should always put sunscreen on your skin at the beginning of the day, and add more throughout the day as you’re out in the sun or are around water.
Take Care With Water
While moisture is vital for healthy skin, you’ll want to be careful about how you use water on your skin if you want to protect yourself as your skin ages.
Ideally, you should seek to only take short baths and showers, as being in the water for more than about 10 minutes can take moisture out of your body as opposed to making your skin more moisturized. And along with this, you’ll also want to avoid using hot water, as it can strip your skin of its natural oils and cause your skin to feel even more dry as a result.
Put The Right Things In Your Body
What you put into your body can also have an impact on how your skin looks as you age. For example, if you smoke, your skin will begin to age rapidly. Your complexion can start to dull and you’ll begin to develop wrinkles much earlier in life. But if you eat a well-balanced diet and drink enough water throughout your life, your skin will be healthy and hydrated, helping it to both look and feel younger.
If you want to protect your skin as you age, consider implementing the tips mentioned above to help your skin stay healthy and radiant.